About Me

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I'm a small-ish city girl with dreams to go far. I'm currently in grade twelve and it's my last year in high school. I love to read. And anyone who knows me knows that cheerleading is my life. Field hockey is the sport i play, and football is the greatest sport out there, rugby comes second to that. I love my friends and it's taken a while for me to find my foundation.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Diploma's make me mad! And super stressed! I freaking hate them! No joke! Who ever thought it was a good idea that the final exam would be worth fifty percent! So retarded!
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Thursday, January 14, 2010


It's 4:56am and my boyfriend is still in my apartment. =)
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Sunday, January 10, 2010


Finding friends in the most random places is amazing. =) like food at a diploma prep.
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Saturday, January 9, 2010

School kills my life.

So i'm at uni in a stupid diploma prep. Not good. Twelve hours of social studies, a semesters worth of work to be done, in twelve hours. So dumb.
Not excited, plus I don't know anyone here. At all. Not fun. I hate this.
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Monday, January 4, 2010

Talika lipocils?

So I recently bought year talks lips gel, and I got it at sphere and it wad kind of expensive not going to lie! It was like forty something dollars!
I looked up a bunch of reviews on a bunch of different sites and for the most part I got good reviews. The one that came up the most for negative comments was that it irritated your eyes if you accidentally got some on there. But I think if i'm careful that won't happen. I don't know. When i'm not on my phone I'll take a picture of my eye lashes with no makeup on them and after a month I'll take another picture and see if there's a difference.
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Lush and MAC

So I have to make a haul video on my MAC stuff some lush stuff.
I think that I should do that tomorrow before I start school.
I think that my plan on not buying more things will work our well. =) I think it'll save me a lot of money.
Oh! And I just thought I'd say that gifts don't count!
Oh! And my boyfriends mom gave me some Christmas presents and I actually really love them! I'll put them in my youtube video.
I really want to use my new eyeliner from Mac! But I think I should finish my gosh stuff. And I have l'oreal stuff. But I really want to use my Mac stuff. Oh well. Tomorrow morning I get to see my boyfriend, we're meeting at starbucks. But I need to go watch more Dane Cook since he's on TV right now.
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Sunday, January 3, 2010


So I know that I spend WAY too much money on make-up & soaps and basically a bunch of useless stuff!
So here's what i'm going to do. I'm only going to buy things that i'm totally out of! That means no new lip glosses, new. Blushes, new bronzers, no. new nail polishes! Until I finish all the things I have now! Not only will I use up all my make-up that I love but never use since I always seem to buy new things.
And lush! No new lush bars until i'm done the billion that I have now. =( and everyone knows I love lush. Oh well they'll just make me want to take more baths =)
Let's see how my plan works out. =)
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